Centrul Universitar UPB

POLITEHNICA București este cea mai veche și mai prestigioasă școală de ingineri din România, cu o tradiție acumulată în cei peste 200 de ani de existență și, prin eforturile unora dintre cei mai mari dascăli ai neamului nostru, îsi definește unicitatea prin crearea cunoașterii prin intermediul cercetării și inovării tehnologice, precum și prin implementarea ei prin educație și instruire profesională la nivel european.

In momentul de față, POLITEHNICA București are în componență 15 facultăți, iar  spațiile de învățământ sunt distribuite în trei campusuri distincte:

  • Campus Polizu – Strada Polizu, nr. 1-7, sector 1
  • Campus Noul Local – Splaiul Independenței, nr 313, sector 6
  • Campus Leu – Bulevardul Iuliu Maniu, nr. 1-3, sector 6

The Economics Major can be combined with a Major in another subject in order to create an Honors Double Major Degree.

The Economics Major can be combined with a Major in another subject in order to create an Honors Double Major Degree.

The Economics Major can be combined with a Major in another subject in order to create an Honors Double Major Degree.

The Economics Major can be combined with a Major in another subject in order to create an Honors Double Major Degree.

The Economics Major can be combined with a Major in another subject in order to create an Honors Double Major Degree.

The Economics Major can be combined with a Major in another subject in order to create an Honors Double Major Degree.

The Economics Major can be combined with a Major in another subject in order to create an Honors Double Major Degree.

The Economics Major can be combined with a Major in another subject in order to create an Honors Double Major Degree.

The Economics Major can be combined with a Major in another subject in order to create an Honors Double Major Degree.

The Economics Major can be combined with a Major in another subject in order to create an Honors Double Major Degree.

The Economics Major can be combined with a Major in another subject in order to create an Honors Double Major Degree.

The Economics Major can be combined with a Major in another subject in order to create an Honors Double Major Degree.

The Economics Major can be combined with a Major in another subject in order to create an Honors Double Major Degree.

The Economics Major can be combined with a Major in another subject in order to create an Honors Double Major Degree.

The Economics Major can be combined with a Major in another subject in order to create an Honors Double Major Degree.